Introduction to Java

Java Programming is concisely explained.




私は2,3か月前から幾つかの英会話クラブまたは英会話Cafe(名古屋, 豊田)に参加しています。定年退職後の人生を探す試みの一つです。その中の一つではメンバーがトピックを決めて英語でしゃべります。以下はその時の私のスピーキングです。多少修正しています。余り上手ではない英語ですので、お気づきの方はコメントをください。訂正、修正などのコメントは大変ありがたいです。ブログを始めて一週間ぐらいで、使い方があまりよくわかっていません。お気づきのことがありましたら、ご指摘ください。メンバーの中でこのブログを見ている人がいたら、コメントは役に立つと思います。よろしくお願いします。私も、面白いトピックがあったらまた書きたいと思います。

About ten years ago, I read a book called “Honnouji no Hen - the truth after 427 years.” It was written by Akechi Kenzaburou, who is supposed to be a descendant of Akechi Mitsuhide. I read it and the revised about five times. It is a very surprising and astonishing book based on the great survey by the author. The following is according to it:
Before Honnouji no Hen, Oda Nobunaga had conquered the central Japan - most parts of Kinki and major parts of Chubu and was expected to conquer the entire Japan very soon.

Oda had a plan to kill Tokugawa because he was an obstacle for Oda to conquer and to govern Japan. So he invited Tokugawa to Azuchi, Kyoto, Osaka for sight seeing and then to Honnouji. He also directed Akechi, Oda’s most favorite subordinate, to attack Honnouji with the war troop and kill Tokugawa.
However, before Tokugawa arrived in Kyoto, Honnouji was attacked by Akechi and Oda was killed. It occurred very early in the morning June 2, 1582.  At that time Tokugawa was in Sakai and was on the way to Honnouji and noticed that the coup d‘etat broke out. Then he decided directly to go back home to Okazaki through Iga. The trip through Iga was said to be very difficult for Tokugawa. But, it was easy because Iga people were very kind and supportive to Tokugawa. The reason was that when Oda attacked Iga, many Iga people were killed but some escaped and were saved by Tokugawa.
